Email 101: A plea for verification

Monday, June 23, 2003 does not verify e-mail addresses

[This is just TOO good. But, shame on you, for not verifying e-mail addresses!
Thanks to google, here are the NAMES of your callers, in case you want to call them back.

D C Shockey, (918) xxx-0798 OK
Calvin L Remy, (918) xxx-4491 OK

You missed a call from 918-xxx-0798. This caller tried to call you but received a busy signal
because you were on the phone.

You are receiving this message because you have CallWave's Call Notification feature turned on.
When you are online, CallWave's Internet Answering Machine notifies you about incoming calls instantly.
Call Notification is a new service from CallWave that also notifies you about calls you missed when
you were offline (talking on the phone). There is no extra charge for this feature. If you would like to turn
Call Notification off, or set it up to send alerts to your cell phone,
please visit